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Q: Does it contains dynamo - Chetak?
A: No. No.
Q: Which type of motor - Chetak
A: BLDC Hub Motor BLDC Hub Motor
A: Around 770mm Around 770mm
Q: What is the cost of battery - Chetak
A: Please check with the authorised dealer for the cost of the battery. Please check with the authorised dealer for the cost of the battery.
Q: Is battery removable - Chetak?
A: No. No.
Q: what is the top speed - Chetak
A: Bajaj Chetak has top speed of 63kmph (Certified). Bajaj Chetak has top speed of 63kmph (Certified).
Q: How is suspension - Chetak?
A: Bajaj Chetak comes equipped with front telescopic suspension and rear with mono-shock. Bajaj Chetak comes equipped with front telescopic suspension and rear with mono-shock.
A: Regarding the dealership, you will have to talk to the brand. Regarding the dealership, you will have to talk to the brand.
Q: what's your price In American dollars - Chetak?
A: The Bajaj showroom can tell you better about it. The Bajaj showroom can tell you better about it.
Q: Is it comfortable for Pillion Rider because most of EV scooters are not So - Chetak
A: Yes it's fairly comfortable, As comfortable as any other petrol scooter. Yes it's fairly comfortable, As comfortable as any other petrol scooter.
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