Honda recently launched the CB500X adventure tourer in India. It belongs to the brand’s 500cc family that also comprises of a naked, a sports and a cruiser offering. While all the 500cc Honda's have been available in the international markets for a long time, India has only received the adventure touring model for now, mainly because of the ever-rising popularity of this type of bikes. However, the 2021 Honda CB500X is priced in India at Rs 6.87 lakh (ex-showroom) and that is unreasonably expensive. But, even if you’re willing to pay that much, does it deserve your money? What are its areas of expertise? How versatile is it? And should you consider it over the Kawasaki Versys 650 and the Benelli TRX502? We answer all these questions in this video review of the new Honda CB500X.
2021 Honda CB500X Price in India -
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