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A: Since you seem to be looking for a bike that is stylish as well as frugal and is a Honda considering your preferences, we will suggest you to consider the CB Shine SP, as it ticks all the mentioned boxes. Since you seem to be looking for a bike that is stylish as well as frugal and is a Honda considering your preferences, we will suggest you to consider the CB Shine SP, as it ticks all the mentioned boxes.
A: Style goes to unicorn, mileage to shine Style goes to unicorn, mileage to shine
A: Both are equally great when it comes to mileage Both are equally great when it comes to mileage
A: Shine Shine
A: CB shine is best i think CB shine is best i think
A: Unicorn is a better option. Unicorn is a better option.
A: Honda Unicorn. Honda Unicorn.
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