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A: As reported by Honda CB Shine owners, mileage of CB Shine is 55 kmpl. However ARAI claimed mileage of CB Shine is 65kmpl. Real mileage of the vehicle varies depending upon the riding habits. City and highway mileage figures also vary depending upon the road conditions. To know more about CB Shine mileage, check out this link ... As reported by Honda CB Shine owners, mileage of CB Shine is 55 kmpl. However ARAI claimed mileage of CB Shine is 65kmpl. Real mileage of the vehicle varies depending upon the riding habits. City and highway mileage figures also vary depending upon the road conditions. To know more about CB Shine mileage, check out this link There you can see what CB Shine owners experienced about CB Shine mileage. You can also calculate your monthly fuel expenses. Read More
A: 45km/litre in city traffic. On highways it goes upto 55km/litre. So, it's purely dependent on your daily commute and how the traffic in your area. 45km/litre in city traffic. On highways it goes upto 55km/litre. So, it's purely dependent on your daily commute and how the traffic in your area.
A: It has a great Mileage around 50 kmpl It has a great Mileage around 50 kmpl
A: Around 52-54 kmpl in city and may go up by a range of 2-3 on highway. But that totally depends on your style of driving. Around 52-54 kmpl in city and may go up by a range of 2-3 on highway. But that totally depends on your style of driving.
A: Its about 60 km/l Its about 60 km/l
A: It gave 55-60 kmpl for me. It gave 55-60 kmpl for me.
A: Its giving me an average of around 50-52 kmpl. Its giving me an average of around 50-52 kmpl.
A: The reported mileage of the CB Shine like in the ballpark of 55-65kmpl which more or less what you can expect from the 125cc commuters. Depending on your riding style and road conditions you might achieve a figure of 70-72kmpl but 100kmpl is highly doubtful. The reported mileage of the CB Shine like in the ballpark of 55-65kmpl which more or less what you can expect from the 125cc commuters. Depending on your riding style and road conditions you might achieve a figure of 70-72kmpl but 100kmpl is highly doubtful.
A: CB Shine 40 kmpl mileage CB Shine 40 kmpl mileage
A: 58 kmpl 58 kmpl
A: 55 to 64 55 to 64
A: 63/ltr 63/ltr
A: Around 51-53kmpl. Around 51-53kmpl.
A: I am getting mileage of 51 kmpl. I am getting mileage of 51 kmpl.
A: Am getting mileage of 51 kmpl. Am getting mileage of 51 kmpl.
A: Between 51-55kmpl mileage. Between 51-55kmpl mileage.
A: I am getting 55 kmpl mileage. I am getting 55 kmpl mileage.
A: 55km/ltr 55km/ltr
A: Mine was 48km/liter Mine was 48km/liter
A: it's nearly 50 - 55 kmpl it's nearly 50 - 55 kmpl
A: For CB Shine it will be around 52-54 kmpl in city and may go up by a range of 2-3 on highway. But that totally depends on your style of driving. For CB Shine it will be around 52-54 kmpl in city and may go up by a range of 2-3 on highway. But that totally depends on your style of driving.
A: 60 60
A: Minimum 60 kmpl easily Minimum 60 kmpl easily
A: 40 40
A: 60 kmpl 60 kmpl
A: You can expect 53kmpl. You can expect 53kmpl.
A: Honda shine gives a great mileage of 60-65 kilometres per litre. Honda shine gives a great mileage of 60-65 kilometres per litre.
A: My CB Shine gives me a superb mileage of 60 kilometers per litre. It runs along in very low fuel. If sometimes you don't remember the the fuel is going low then you can go easily to the petrol pump and fill up your tank. For maintaining the good condition of engines mileage change the oil regularly and service the bike. Ride regularly don't keep the bike off ... My CB Shine gives me a superb mileage of 60 kilometers per litre. It runs along in very low fuel. If sometimes you don't remember the the fuel is going low then you can go easily to the petrol pump and fill up your tank. For maintaining the good condition of engines mileage change the oil regularly and service the bike. Ride regularly don't keep the bike off. Drive the bike at must once for 5-10 kilometres in 15 days. Mostly drive the bike on 4th gear for better condition of bikes mileage. Read More
A: 58 58
A: 50 50
A: 55 55
A: 50 to 62 kmpl 50 to 62 kmpl
A: Near Around 55 Near Around 55
A: when u buy new bike mileage u will get after 3 servicing changing 3 times engine oil after u will get a good mileage when u buy new bike mileage u will get after 3 servicing changing 3 times engine oil after u will get a good mileage
A: I am not sure on this, as I hadn't noticed it. I am not sure on this, as I hadn't noticed it.
A: 50 to 55 per/lt 50 to 55 per/lt
A: 65 max 65 max
A: Min milege-50 and max milege-65 Min speed-50 and max-70 Min milege-50 and max milege-65 Min speed-50 and max-70
A: I am getting 53kmpl. I am getting 53kmpl.
A: In city, you can expect a mileage of 51-54 kmpl In city, you can expect a mileage of 51-54 kmpl
A: 50-52 kmpl. Exact values may vary depending on how you drive and maintain your bike. 50-52 kmpl. Exact values may vary depending on how you drive and maintain your bike.
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