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A: CB Shine SP is superior than CB Shine. CB Shine SP is superior than CB Shine.
A: CB shine is better value for money and mileage CB shine is better value for money and mileage
A: Cb shine sp Cb shine sp
A: 5 gear in sp shine 5 gear in sp shine
A: Shine is better in the city, Shine SP is better on the highway. Shine is better in the city, Shine SP is better on the highway.
A: SP shine has fifth gear, which gives better mileage on the highway and prevents vibrations. Hence it is better for highways. SP shine has fifth gear, which gives better mileage on the highway and prevents vibrations. Hence it is better for highways.
A: The Shine is better for the city, the SP is better for the highway The Shine is better for the city, the SP is better for the highway
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