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Q: Saree guard is available in this bike - X-Blade
A: Nope Nope
Q: What is on road price in jabalpur - X-Blade?
A: Around 96000 Around 96000
A: Please check with your nearest service center, he will be able to help you best. Please check with your nearest service center, he will be able to help you best.
Q: What option for ladies footrest - X-Blade?
A: No options are available No options are available
Q: What is the exact mileage of x blade - X-Blade
A: 49 49
Q: What is in the spedomter and what is it's high speed - X-Blade
A: 122 kmph 122 kmph
A: Not yet. Not yet.
A: You have to pay extra for the engine guard. You have to pay extra for the engine guard.
Q: What type is suspension . Same like unicorn or Other type - X-Blade
A: Same as unicorn Same as unicorn
A: Nice engine performance, great style and very comfortable especially in city traffic. I haven't faced any issues as such. Nice engine performance, great style and very comfortable especially in city traffic. I haven't faced any issues as such.
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