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Q: How much exactly mileage - X-Blade?
A: 44-46 kmpl 44-46 kmpl
Q: About it's true city and highway millege - X-Blade
A: May vary from 42-44 kmpl in city and increase to 45-48 max on highways May vary from 42-44 kmpl in city and increase to 45-48 max on highways
Q: Is there abs models - X-Blade?
A: No No
A: Somewhere around 45-48 kmpl Somewhere around 45-48 kmpl
Q: Honda xblade price in delhi - X-Blade?
A: Minimum 89000 Minimum 89000
A: Roughly 90000 Roughly 90000
A: You can refer to BikeWale website and check for dealership in your locality. You can refer to BikeWale website and check for dealership in your locality.
A: Please finish braking before the corner and enter the corner with a margin for error. You can always accelerate in the corner. I was taught this at riding school. Please finish braking before the corner and enter the corner with a margin for error. You can always accelerate in the corner. I was taught this at riding school.
Q: Which bike is better(worth for the money)? Honda X-Blade or Yamaha FZ-S FI V2
A: X Blade X Blade
Q: What price in Kolkata - X-Blade?
A: Costed me 87000 Costed me 87000
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