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Q: Which mobil use my Honda xblade bike - X-Blade?
A: Your authorised service centre will be able to help you best with what engine oil to use. Your authorised service centre will be able to help you best with what engine oil to use.
Q: Breaking system is ABS OR NON ABS - X-Blade
A: Honda xblade doesn't have ABS Honda xblade doesn't have ABS
A: 45kmpl 45kmpl
Q: How honda x_blade - X-Blade
A: Nice engine performance, great style and very comfortable especially in city traffic. Nice engine performance, great style and very comfortable especially in city traffic.
Q: How much milage? - X-Blade?
A: 45-48 kmpl for me 45-48 kmpl for me
Q: how much road price - X-Blade
A: I got it at around 89000 in noida I got it at around 89000 in noida
A: Max 50 so far Max 50 so far
A: You can consider a range of 45 kmpl You can consider a range of 45 kmpl
A: I am getting around 40kmpl I am getting around 40kmpl
A: Either will perform well, although Honda has developed the Unicorn 160 as the family bike. Hornet would be a better choice as it has ABS. No, there is no new Xblade model coming anytime soon. Either will perform well, although Honda has developed the Unicorn 160 as the family bike. Hornet would be a better choice as it has ABS. No, there is no new Xblade model coming anytime soon.
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