After a bunch of teasers and leaked footage, Bajaj Auto finally launched the updated Pulsar RS 200 in India. The bike has been around for a long time and was in dire need of an update. While the changes that Bajaj has introduced for the 2025 version aren’t jaw-dropping, these are still substantial and here is a list of all of them.
More Features
The features department is where Bajaj has made the most changes for the Pulsar RS 200. It now gets a new set of integrated LED tail lights. These are bracket-shaped and house the turn signals as well as the brake light. Apart from that, the Pulsar RS 200 also gets a new instrument console. This is a fully digital LCD and supports smartphone connectivity for turn-by-turn navigation, as well as notifications for calls and SMS. Even more, Bajaj has also introduced ride modes while retaining the dual-channel ABS from before.
New Cosmetics
Although a majority of the Pulsar RS 200’s design remains unchanged, it now gets new colour schemes. You can purchase it in as many as three paint options - Glossy Racing Red, Pearl Metallic White, and Active Satin Black. The RS also gets the same twin projector LED headlights with angular bodywork all over.
Revised Hardware
Bajaj has equipped the 2025 Pulsar RS 200 with a wider rear tyre. It measures 140-70, while the front end gets a 110/70 unit. These are wrapped around the same 17-inch wheels. Even the front and rear disc brakes, telescopic front forks, and monoshock have been retained. Moreover, the RS still uses conventional front springs, whereas its sibling, the Pulsar NS 200, benefits from USD units.
Higher Asking Price
With the changes, the 2025 Bajaj Pulsar RS 200 now costs Rs. 1.84 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi) which is Rs. 10,000 more than the previous model.