Polaris India has launched the iconic Indian Motorcycles brand in India today, at an event in Delhi. The Indian Chief Classic is the entry-model in their three-product range with a starting price of Rs 26.5 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi).
The two other motorcycles in their range are the Indian Chief Vintage (Rs 29.5 lakh) and the Indian Chieftain (Rs 33 lakh). All three motorcycles are powered by the Thunder Stroke 111 V-Twin engine with a displacement of 1,811cc and 139Nm (at 2,600) of torque. The engine is mated to a six-speed constant mesh helical gearbox.
Polaris will import all the models from the US as CBU (completely built units) and is soon setting up a dealership in Delhi and Bangalore. The deliveries of all three models will commence in March.
The Indian Motorcycles are known for their vintage looks and the company has taken a lot of effort to maintain that image. The supplier of seats and leather hasn’t changed since 1930 and neither has the styling been altered from 1940. There are a few technology updates though, it is the first motorcycle to have keyless ignition. Polaris claims that all Indian motorcycles are a blend of 40 per cent ‘past’ and 60 per cent ‘latest’.
The Indian Motorcycles compete with Harley-Davidson models in India.
Prices of the Indian Motorcycles (ex-showroom Delhi).
Indian Chief Classic – Rs 26.5 lakh
Indian Chief Vintage – Rs 29.5 lakh
Indian Chieftain – Rs 33 lakh