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Q: Is it available in nasik city - Apache RTR 160
A: Yes, TVS Apache RTR 160 is available on sale in Nashik city. Yes, TVS Apache RTR 160 is available on sale in Nashik city.
Q: Have Apache RTR 160 self start and kick start start both ??
A: TVS Apache RTR 160 BS6 is not equipped with a kick start it is available with a self-start only. TVS Apache RTR 160 BS6 is not equipped with a kick start it is available with a self-start only.
Q: Sir ji yadi hum finance me lena chahe to kitne ka padega - Apache RTR 160
A: Exact minimum down payment amount depends on multiple factors. 1st factor is bike's on road price which consists of ex-showroom amount, RTO registration amount & insurance amount. All of these vary from city to city and hence the price of the bike. 2nd factor is your financial eligibility which depends mainly on your income. And if you have taken loan or hav ... Exact minimum down payment amount depends on multiple factors. 1st factor is bike's on road price which consists of ex-showroom amount, RTO registration amount & insurance amount. All of these vary from city to city and hence the price of the bike. 2nd factor is your financial eligibility which depends mainly on your income. And if you have taken loan or have credit card, then your credit score can also be a deciding factor here. 3rd factor is loan provider bank's limitations. Few two wheeler loan finance banks require up to 15% of the ex-showroom as a down payment amount, whereas few can also have special offers or schemes to allow 100% of the ex-showroom to be financed. You can use this bike EMI calculator to get the tentative amount of lowest down payment you can make for TVS Apache RTR 160. Read More
Q: Is this bike available - Apache RTR 160
A: Yes, it is available, please get in touch with your nearest TVS dealership to know more about the same. Yes, it is available, please get in touch with your nearest TVS dealership to know more about the same.
Q: is there any Bluetooth connectivity - Apache RTR 160
A: No. No.
Q: Apache ki down payment - Apache RTR 160
A: The exact minimum down payment amount depends on multiple factors. 1st factor is the bike's on-road price which consists of ex-showroom amount, RTO registration amount & insurance amount. All of these vary from city to city and hence the price of the bike. 2nd factor is your financial eligibility which depends mainly on your income. And if you have taken a l ... The exact minimum down payment amount depends on multiple factors. 1st factor is the bike's on-road price which consists of ex-showroom amount, RTO registration amount & insurance amount. All of these vary from city to city and hence the price of the bike. 2nd factor is your financial eligibility which depends mainly on your income. And if you have taken a loan or have a credit card, then your credit score can also be a deciding factor here. 3rd factor is the loan provider bank's limitations. Few two-wheeler loan finance banks require up to 15% of the ex-showroom as a down payment amount, whereas few can also have special offers or schemes to allow 100% of the ex-showroom to be financed. You can use this bike EMI calculator to get the tentative amount of the lowest down payment you can make for TVS Apache RTR 160. Read More
Q: Battery details of apache rtr 160 2V bs6 ?
A: Please check the user manual provided along with the bike for all the details. Please check the user manual provided along with the bike for all the details.
Q: Barabanki mein kitne ki bike hai - Apache RTR 160
A: - On road price of standard variant of TVS Apache RTR 160 in Barabanki Rs. 133000/-. On road price consists of multiple factors like ex-showroom price, RTO registration amount, road tax amount, insurance amount etc. All of these components are added up to get the on road price of the vehicle. Also, these components vary from city to city. Price also changes ... - On road price of standard variant of TVS Apache RTR 160 in Barabanki Rs. 133000/-. On road price consists of multiple factors like ex-showroom price, RTO registration amount, road tax amount, insurance amount etc. All of these components are added up to get the on road price of the vehicle. Also, these components vary from city to city. Price also changes depending upon the variant of the model. You can find the accurate on road price of <model> in your city using this link Read More
A: By bigger, if you mean wider section tyre, then Yes, you can install a tyre wider by a few centimeters over the stock one. By bigger, if you mean wider section tyre, then Yes, you can install a tyre wider by a few centimeters over the stock one.
Q: Does it show the gear no. In screen - Apache RTR 160
A: TVS Apache RTR 160 4v BS6 comes with the gear shift indicators. TVS Apache RTR 160 4v BS6 comes with the gear shift indicators.
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