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Q: Should I buy ntorq 125 or Access 125 or Activa 125?
A: Go for ntorq Go for ntorq
A: Yes, it is available, you can get dealer contacts online. Yes, it is available, you can get dealer contacts online.
Q: What's the average of n torq in city and on highway in real life - Ntorq 125???
A: 37-40 in city 45 in highway 37-40 in city 45 in highway
Q: Tvs ntorq millage - Ntorq 125....?
A: 37-45 In streets you can get 37 or 40 and in highway ntorq give 45 mileage 37-45 In streets you can get 37 or 40 and in highway ntorq give 45 mileage
Q: What mileage does ntorq gives - Ntorq 125?
A: 40 kmpl 40 kmpl
Q: On road price in kanyakumari - Ntorq 125
A: I bought it at Rs. 85000/- on-road in Kanyakumari. I bought it at Rs. 85000/- on-road in Kanyakumari.
Q: Any exchange offer - Ntorq 125
A: Visit the nearest dealer to know the exchange offer available at dealership. Visit the nearest dealer to know the exchange offer available at dealership.
Q: Mobile changing - Ntorq 125?
A: Yes it has a mobile charging port Yes it has a mobile charging port
Q: Tvs n torq body is fibre or metallic - Ntorq 125?
A: Fibre Fibre
Q: On road price in Krishnanagar - Ntorq 125
A: 74000+ 74000+
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