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Q: What about it's miladge - Ntorq 125
A: 40 KMPL 40 KMPL
Q: What about on road price in muzaffarpur, Bihar - Ntorq 125
A: 75992 75992
Q: What is the actual price in Gaya - Ntorq 125??
A: 64850 64850
Q: How much cost in murshidabad - Ntorq 125?
A: 75849 75849
Q: Is it available in sagardighi - Ntorq 125?
A: Yes Yes
Q: May i know the exact on road price of this vehicle - Ntorq 125
A: I bought mine at Rs. 70500/- on-road in New Delhi. I bought mine at Rs. 70500/- on-road in New Delhi.
Q: Issues with rusting and sound in fan.. did they fix it - Ntorq 125??
A: Yes Yes
Q: What about the milage and on road price for amtala 24 paraganas south - Ntorq 125
A: Mileage is in the range of 42-45 kmpl, on road pricing will be around Rs. 76500/- approximately. Mileage is in the range of 42-45 kmpl, on road pricing will be around Rs. 76500/- approximately.
Q: Is it der in manglore city - Ntorq 125
A: Yes, It is available in Mangalore. Yes, It is available in Mangalore.
Q: Can it easy handle wheight up to 200-210kgs.(rider+pillion+children etc) - Ntorq 125
A: Yes it can but don't expect it to reach high speeds but it makes quite large noise cause it's exhaust system is different from other scooters of the same segment Yes it can but don't expect it to reach high speeds but it makes quite large noise cause it's exhaust system is different from other scooters of the same segment
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