As reported by Yamaha MT-03 owners, the real mileage of MT-03 is 35 kmpl. It delivers better mileage that 32% of street bikes.
Owner reported mileage | 35 kmpl |
32 %
MT-03 has better mileage than 32% of street bikes
40 kmpl
Average mileage among street bikes
We help you calculate fuel expenses which you will incur by using Yamaha MT-03. To check your monthly fuel expenses you just have to enter distance in kms you travel in a day and fuel price in your area. As per current inputs, monthly fuel cost for MT-03 with mileage of 35 kmpl is ₹ 1457.
Your monthly running cost :
₹ 1457 / per month
Are you looking for a fuel efficient bike? Check out our list of top 10 mileage bikes in India.
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16 weeks ago
Tanmay Mahendra Chavan
MT-03 gives more in less as it is more powerful than I ever ride any other bike and also about its design is well structured for riders. Performance is rated 10/10 because of mileage, torque, and speed. Looking after its shades they are unique and are less but are ok as the bike gives more points to cover the color.
Rating Parameters
(out of 5)
Design and styling
Service experience
Value for money
About the Reviewer
Ridden for (If Owned)
5000-15000 km
Got mileage of
35 kmpl
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Mt03 is the best
45 weeks ago
Furkan Ahmad
All features are good riding posture comfort and mileage also comparison to bike engines but the bike, 's tail looks thin. The tail should be a little bit wide and the bike soccer should be loose if the company wants to continue this segment Yamaha should change these types of problems in the mt03 segment this bike is also too costly in these features.
Rating Parameters
(out of 5)
Design and styling
Service experience
Value for money
About the Reviewer
Ridden for (If Owned)
0-5000 km
Got mileage of
38 kmpl
Tips for other riders
Always check you tyre air and brake oil , engine oil always check after 2 2300 to 2500 km
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