Mahindra Two Wheelers has launched the new version of the Pantero motorcycle which will be the base variant. The base variant of the Pantero now starts at Rs 39,650 (ex-showroom Delhi) making it one of the most affordable 110cc motorcycles in the country.
The Pantero is powered by single-cylinder air-cooled MCi-5 engine (Microchip ignited 5-curve engine), which produces 8.5bhp at 8500rpm and torque of 8.5Nm at 5500rpm. The Pantero is targeted more towards first time buyers who are looking for basic features yet with great design. This motorcycle also features a fully digital instrument cluster with tachometer, speedometer, fuel gauge and clock. It also sports LED tail lamps and LED pilot lamps.
"Mahindra Two Wheelers is striving to offer stylish and value for money products with unique consumer relevant features. This new Pantero variant is another step in this direction, offering customers some exciting features like LED pilot and tail lamps, and a fully digital dashboard, all at a very competitive price tag," said Viren Popli, executive vice president, Mahindra Two Wheelers.
The pricing is a sign that Mahindra is using an aggressive strategy to capture market share and gain more sales in the mass market motorcycle segment. The entire range of the Pantero motorcycles will soon be available across all Mahindra Two Wheeler dealerships in the country.
Prices for the Mahindra Pantero (ex-showroom Delhi)
Mahindra Pantero (Kick Start/ Spoke Wheels/ Analogue Console) - Rs 39,650
Mahindra Pantero (Kick Start/ Cast Alloy Wheels/ Analogue Console) - Rs 40,550
Mahindra Pantero (Self Start/ Cast Alloy Wheels/ Analogue Console) - Rs 42,250
Mahindra Pantero (Self Start/ Cast Alloy Wheels/ Digital Console) - Rs 43,150