Tesla’s autopilot software is currently running on the software version 7.0 officially. Earlier, the system would treat motorcycles just as it would cars by keeping the specific distance and treating them as obstacles. The Beta version or 7.1 now recognises motorcycles.
The latest official software update, 7.0, allows a Tesla vehicle to use its combination of cameras, radar, ultrasonic sensors and data to automatically steer down the highway, change lanes, and adjust speed in response to traffic. Once you’ve arrived at your destination, the car scans for a parking space and parallel parks on your command.
The 7.1 software update, changes the user interface allowing the driver to visualise on the dashboard the vehicles detected by the autopilot on each lane and not only on the one the car is driving. The vehicle animations now include trucks and motorcycles instead of just cars. Along with this, Tesla is also introducing a new ‘driver mode’ to be activated when only a driver is using the vehicle, which lets only the driver side door handle to automatically extend when approaching the vehicle. This means that if the vehicle is being self-driven the car will not unnecessarily extend all four door handles.
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